Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our Government thinks I am a terrorist

Our Government thinks I am a terrorist. Why? I stand up for the freedoms that we have and I also stand up for the freedoms that we COULD have if we just educated ourselves and stopped asking what we can do for the Government instead of asking our Government to do it's job. I have stopped believing in the American dream but I have not stopped believing in the American spirit. I have not given up on the people themselves so much as I have with the idea that the Government is suppose to be the guards of our freedom and constitution. However, perhaps this was my mistake from trusting such a group of people could exist without feeling power hungry after such an exhausting dinner of making decisions.

Do not get my actions confused, I have not given up on our people but the Patriots of this country bring down my Anarchistic buzz a bit. Yes, you are a buzz killer. This misplaced pride in the Government and even in some of the military is such a conundrum that, at times, I have a hazy dream like feeling towards you all. However, mostly you just make me upset. Upset and angry  that there are people like you with so much strength and so much voice yet you remain silent as these transgressions are taken upon you and PRAISE them for happening. 

One of the biggest rallied outcries happened after the incident with America's brush with on soil depreciation on 9/11. Your 10 year anniversary is coming up this year and yet we know what will happen all too well. The magazines, the replays.. the news is toxic and knowingly filling your head with propagandized fear that you re-live year after year. This situation caused what was known as The Patriot Act, stripping people of their freedoms but reasoned in the people's minds that this was what they had to do in order to stay protected. Unfortunately, as time goes on and economy becomes worse, the option of losing freedoms in order to gain protection looks more and more appeasing to certain individuals. It's a large pill that is easier to swallow when sugar coated with more promises even though the ones before them were never cashed on.

You may say "look no more attacks" but as time goes on you must realize that the attacks that are being played on your soil are not that of outsiders but of your own people. Such is the reason why your country is in such an economic downfall. You have your eyes planted on what you deem is the enemy and have spent too little time determining the outcome of your country. It has fallen to shambles as the people of your country sprint towards others in outrage, leaving your Government with only itself to deal with the rest of the American people. The Government is supposed to be ran by the people, however, there are no people to be found. Too busy discussing and arguing to take notice of the world crumbling around them until it's far too late.

What can you do, right? If you, like myself, believe that to keep an order you must keep your freedoms and rely on yourself despite perhaps going against the grain of the Government.. then you are a terrorist. If you sit back and watch the noise coming from the media that at any moment could no longer belong to you, you are a sheep. If you are those that are outraged by the external forces and wish nothing more than to attack them, you, my friend, are part of the problem.

Standing accused of becoming a terrorist because I wish to keep my freedoms and I want the Government to know that I mean business when it comes to my rights sounds much better than being spoon fed bullshit lies from Washington and being an animal without a target. 


It will never cease to amaze me when things like this pop up and the ones that root for it and the ones that simply stay in the dark. Those in the dark criticize groups like Anonymous because they keep their identity hidden. However, one must come to terms with the idea that we all wear masks in every day life and politically there is no exceptions.

Politically, Anonymous wears the ever famous mask of V to symbolize that of a united forefront and revolution. We are all the same. Even out getting those "cheetos and redbulls" as a commenter says we still wear the mask. Oftentimes, it's those without the knowledge pass what the Government feeds them that do not acknowledge yet another, more dangerous, mask that they are wearing. For they are wearing the wool that the Government has pulled over their eyes and while some will manage to break free from that, many will refuse to. One can only guess as to their reasons why wearing such a suffocating mask is the way for them.

Anonymous has struck back after the arrests made in the name of Anonymous stating that they are not afraid of them anymore and the arrests/threats or arrest are meaningless. The idea of Anonymous is all inclusive and at the same time not. We are ALL anonymous, every single one of us. This idea of freedom dates back to the beginning of this country and many others. These countries have partook in events such as: Operation: Onslaught. A plan set up by

One commenter goes as far as to say that the terms Anonymous and Al Queda are interchangeable. As far as any pronoun goes, you could interchange any term and it would make sense due to the English language. However, as these attacks from Anonymous come pouring in we should take a look at where these are stemming from. Of course, "doing it for the lulz" was the beginning..

The targets of these assaults from Anonymous have been more than deserved.

Martial Law and why YOU need to pay attention to it

During the Onslaught last night, I became aware of a video that you should take heed to as well. The video informs the American people about 20,000 US troops that have been training for the economic collapse of this country and the "civil unrest" this may cause.

What's concerning about this video is how little people know about this group of soldiers. Epsecially since our Government has been training these forces since 2008 explicitly for this year and the next. They have seen this coming and as we prepare, obviously, so do they. It's Martial Law and why YOU should be concerned I will notify you of.

Martial Law shuts down the entire first amendment. Executive Orders 10995, 10997-10999 state that the Federal Government can and WILL seize ALL of the following: Media (radios/tv/newpaper, telephones, internet ect.), electrical power, fuels, all modes of transportation, and all food resources.

But it doesn't stop there: You've also got Executive Order 11000 in which the Government can use civilians (willinig or not) for work completely under their supervision. Or, if what I just informed you of DIDN'T concern you how about Executive Order 12656 that states that the Federal Government can take over all of your local law enforcement, control how much you make, creates a draft and controls your assets for you.

The state of Michigan has gotten a small taste of Martial Law with the passing of their Governor's "Emergency Financial Mangers" Law. This Law states that any city in Michigan declared as in a crisis (determined by him, of course) can be invaded by his own choosing and these people will take place of the previously elected officials in that area. Benton Harbor was the first of these cities having their city government completely made to step down so that he can get in there and "fix" things. Let's see how it worked shall we?

At the time that Synder determined Benton Harbor to indeed be in a financial crisis, their income pre capita was a little over $10,000. Sounds bad but it gets worse. In less than a year, that number has dropped significantly to $8,965. Hindsight is always 20/20, I suppose, but where does this leave the people of Benton Harbor?

There are ways to prepare for Martial Law. Of course the Government would NEVER dream of making us protect ourselves from them right? The biggest thing that you must remember in a time like this is to remain self sufficient. Learn to live off of little. Do not so much rely on our dollar as it is worthless anyways. It's important that in the midst of a riot, you keep yourself level and especially if you are traveling with a child, stay away from these dangerous elements. I have said this before and I will say it many more times before I die, knowledge is your best friend. Keep up on your know how and keep up with the news. Decide for yourself and do not allow propaganda determine what you do with the knowledge that you have. Knowledge is your greatest weapon.

Keep in mind that under Martial Law, all your rights are suspended. However, it's not too late to make a stand and even in the middle, make your voice known because that is what this country was built on, NOT control.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

New IP Laws.

The House has passed yet another new bill but has not managed to figure out what to do with the debt that we are going through as a country. It seems to me that this 1984-esque bill is the result of a Government that is more concerned on oppressing the individuals on the internet than it is trying to collect whatever pride this country may have left and fixing us back to where we were when we were a functional country.

We are owned and as a country that once boasted to be the most powerful in the world, we now hang our heads in shame.

Despite the arguments that it was a complete invasion of privacy, we don the "it's ok we are protecting our children". NO. It's NOT okay. The fact of the matter is, if we spent half the time actually PARENTING our children there would be no need to worry past getting the proper tools based on our computers. Why rely on the Government to parent what our children are seeing? Are we not capable enough ourselves?
While I will admit there are some sick perverts out there, we as parents have to make it a point to protect our children ourselves. Why is your young child on the internet anyways? Most kids should be out playing and learning!

 Even the Reps know something is up. Rep. Conyers stated: “This is not protecting children from Internet pornography,” Conyers said.  “It’s creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes."

And he isn't the only one. A REPUBLICAN Rep from Wisconsin states: '...It poses numerous risks that well outweigh any benefits, and I’m not convinced it will contribute in a significant way to protecting children.”' 

So, they KNOW this isn't for the benefit of our children. Why did it get passed? I think Conyers has it right. 

One more:

'A late rewrite of the bill reportedly requires ISPs to store customers’ names, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers and temporarily assigned IP addresses for 1 year.  The panel rejected an amendment clarifying that only IP addresses be retained by a 7 to 16 vote.'
LOL WHAT?! You need my phone number, my credit card numbers and IP addresses to track down online predators? The Government needs to realize that this is not the fabled 1984 and that they were all elected into a contract that pre-dates them long before they were ever thought of. It's called the Constitution.

Let us keep in mind that this is NOT something we should shrug off. They have taken a break from cell phone hot spots and wireless hot spots in the country. Also, there are other different ways to protect yourself. What in the world are we protecting ourselves from our own Government for?

The article from which this came from you can find in it's entirity here:

You are DEAD.

 You are dead. 
You are dead because that is what they want you to be.
They talk of dreams but they don't want you to have them.
Their system is broken and so are their followers. But there is a solution.
They don't know the solution but inside YOU do.

You have the ability to come back from the dead and survive in real time. 
You don't have to follow those weaker than you.


The knowledge is yours for the taking.
Stop the secrets and take hold of your own. 

Your life is yours?