Saturday, December 24, 2011

The religion of American Consumerism

It is Christmas Eve ladies and gentlemen. Which means that we are in a full scale panic no matter where we are or what field we work in. Stores are struggling to make those last sales as the Christian heros of the Nation have made it a sin to work the holiday thus cutting into our profit making and forcing us to stay at home with family members we don't even like. Our streets are clouded with the smokey reminders that tomorrow is THE day that we all work up to and it's only downhill from there because the only thing we have left of the year is New Year's Eve and that's of no concern to us as long as they have our liquor on tap and don't argue with us about driving but not being able to stand.

As we stand in disgust with our Government not taking care of our problems with the economy for us, we spend money that we don't have and allow ourselves to be minipulated in getting credit cards in the holiday spirit. Fuck the holiday spirit I say. The streets full of the greedy trying to get that last minute deal with not consideration that maybe we shouldn't be turning left into a full line of oncoming traffic just because we "have somewhere to be".

The first sticky snow fell last night making this panic even more real as people fake the holiday hooplah when they are really miserable on the inside. Again, spending time with family because we have to and not because we want to. We feel obligated to this Christmas panic. It's become a tradition to feel the heavy weight of being let down when we realize that there is nothing to look forward to and those deals weren't really all that great after all. Lately, the new thing is to buy local. Over priced, home made junk that we buy just to make ourselves feel like we are contributing to something other than the huge corporations that everyone out there loves to think they hate. We stand in unity against the system, unless it's a holiday and this is what sickens me.

Welcome to the religion of American Consumerism, where we fight against anything that isn't a holiday because it's not politically correct to fight against something like that. Hypocrisy seems to be the flavor of the months of October-Feburary as Christmas through Valentine's Day we are trying to show how big our dick is in the area of monetary givings and secretly hoping for the pay back of the receiving.