Sunday, July 31, 2011

Martial Law and why YOU need to pay attention to it

During the Onslaught last night, I became aware of a video that you should take heed to as well. The video informs the American people about 20,000 US troops that have been training for the economic collapse of this country and the "civil unrest" this may cause.

What's concerning about this video is how little people know about this group of soldiers. Epsecially since our Government has been training these forces since 2008 explicitly for this year and the next. They have seen this coming and as we prepare, obviously, so do they. It's Martial Law and why YOU should be concerned I will notify you of.

Martial Law shuts down the entire first amendment. Executive Orders 10995, 10997-10999 state that the Federal Government can and WILL seize ALL of the following: Media (radios/tv/newpaper, telephones, internet ect.), electrical power, fuels, all modes of transportation, and all food resources.

But it doesn't stop there: You've also got Executive Order 11000 in which the Government can use civilians (willinig or not) for work completely under their supervision. Or, if what I just informed you of DIDN'T concern you how about Executive Order 12656 that states that the Federal Government can take over all of your local law enforcement, control how much you make, creates a draft and controls your assets for you.

The state of Michigan has gotten a small taste of Martial Law with the passing of their Governor's "Emergency Financial Mangers" Law. This Law states that any city in Michigan declared as in a crisis (determined by him, of course) can be invaded by his own choosing and these people will take place of the previously elected officials in that area. Benton Harbor was the first of these cities having their city government completely made to step down so that he can get in there and "fix" things. Let's see how it worked shall we?

At the time that Synder determined Benton Harbor to indeed be in a financial crisis, their income pre capita was a little over $10,000. Sounds bad but it gets worse. In less than a year, that number has dropped significantly to $8,965. Hindsight is always 20/20, I suppose, but where does this leave the people of Benton Harbor?

There are ways to prepare for Martial Law. Of course the Government would NEVER dream of making us protect ourselves from them right? The biggest thing that you must remember in a time like this is to remain self sufficient. Learn to live off of little. Do not so much rely on our dollar as it is worthless anyways. It's important that in the midst of a riot, you keep yourself level and especially if you are traveling with a child, stay away from these dangerous elements. I have said this before and I will say it many more times before I die, knowledge is your best friend. Keep up on your know how and keep up with the news. Decide for yourself and do not allow propaganda determine what you do with the knowledge that you have. Knowledge is your greatest weapon.

Keep in mind that under Martial Law, all your rights are suspended. However, it's not too late to make a stand and even in the middle, make your voice known because that is what this country was built on, NOT control.

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