Sunday, July 31, 2011


It will never cease to amaze me when things like this pop up and the ones that root for it and the ones that simply stay in the dark. Those in the dark criticize groups like Anonymous because they keep their identity hidden. However, one must come to terms with the idea that we all wear masks in every day life and politically there is no exceptions.

Politically, Anonymous wears the ever famous mask of V to symbolize that of a united forefront and revolution. We are all the same. Even out getting those "cheetos and redbulls" as a commenter says we still wear the mask. Oftentimes, it's those without the knowledge pass what the Government feeds them that do not acknowledge yet another, more dangerous, mask that they are wearing. For they are wearing the wool that the Government has pulled over their eyes and while some will manage to break free from that, many will refuse to. One can only guess as to their reasons why wearing such a suffocating mask is the way for them.

Anonymous has struck back after the arrests made in the name of Anonymous stating that they are not afraid of them anymore and the arrests/threats or arrest are meaningless. The idea of Anonymous is all inclusive and at the same time not. We are ALL anonymous, every single one of us. This idea of freedom dates back to the beginning of this country and many others. These countries have partook in events such as: Operation: Onslaught. A plan set up by

One commenter goes as far as to say that the terms Anonymous and Al Queda are interchangeable. As far as any pronoun goes, you could interchange any term and it would make sense due to the English language. However, as these attacks from Anonymous come pouring in we should take a look at where these are stemming from. Of course, "doing it for the lulz" was the beginning..

The targets of these assaults from Anonymous have been more than deserved.

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