Saturday, July 30, 2011

New IP Laws.

The House has passed yet another new bill but has not managed to figure out what to do with the debt that we are going through as a country. It seems to me that this 1984-esque bill is the result of a Government that is more concerned on oppressing the individuals on the internet than it is trying to collect whatever pride this country may have left and fixing us back to where we were when we were a functional country.

We are owned and as a country that once boasted to be the most powerful in the world, we now hang our heads in shame.

Despite the arguments that it was a complete invasion of privacy, we don the "it's ok we are protecting our children". NO. It's NOT okay. The fact of the matter is, if we spent half the time actually PARENTING our children there would be no need to worry past getting the proper tools based on our computers. Why rely on the Government to parent what our children are seeing? Are we not capable enough ourselves?
While I will admit there are some sick perverts out there, we as parents have to make it a point to protect our children ourselves. Why is your young child on the internet anyways? Most kids should be out playing and learning!

 Even the Reps know something is up. Rep. Conyers stated: “This is not protecting children from Internet pornography,” Conyers said.  “It’s creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes."

And he isn't the only one. A REPUBLICAN Rep from Wisconsin states: '...It poses numerous risks that well outweigh any benefits, and I’m not convinced it will contribute in a significant way to protecting children.”' 

So, they KNOW this isn't for the benefit of our children. Why did it get passed? I think Conyers has it right. 

One more:

'A late rewrite of the bill reportedly requires ISPs to store customers’ names, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers and temporarily assigned IP addresses for 1 year.  The panel rejected an amendment clarifying that only IP addresses be retained by a 7 to 16 vote.'
LOL WHAT?! You need my phone number, my credit card numbers and IP addresses to track down online predators? The Government needs to realize that this is not the fabled 1984 and that they were all elected into a contract that pre-dates them long before they were ever thought of. It's called the Constitution.

Let us keep in mind that this is NOT something we should shrug off. They have taken a break from cell phone hot spots and wireless hot spots in the country. Also, there are other different ways to protect yourself. What in the world are we protecting ourselves from our own Government for?

The article from which this came from you can find in it's entirity here:

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