Thursday, May 10, 2012

Occupy What?

The Occupy movement has become a source of eternal frustration with me as we push our streets' limits with people waving their cardboard cut out signs with no relief in site. From the beginning, I supported these movements because of the promise that it held. Actively partaking in some of the activities myself, I have become discontent with these somewhat hippy driven protests. In my area, there is no action. You people don't move. Have we lost motivation? Nay, I think the problem is that no one turns an active eye to inactive progress.

Unfortunately, we have become a nation of attention seeking whores. When we get a little bit, we back off too much and forget why we were there in the first place. I attended an Occupy circle ONCE. I couldn't stand being there for too long and soon after we got there, my partner and I left. There was not one thing that made me think that these people were going to spark anything other than some boring news columns. And so it started.. first in the local free press and then into a more wide spread press. It's cute how a few words written in a paper that hardly anyone reads or takes seriously will make someone's ego soar. 

Recently, the newest spread on this certain Occupy area is that they are "re-Occupying" after the winter season. There are a few problems I have with this but the bottom line is, they shouldn't have to "re" anything; they should have stayed where they were. It's this total lack of motivation to stick through something even throughout the bumps (especially if those bumps are weather conditions) that causes others to turn a blind eye. Combined with the fact that they go out of their way to be annoying to citizens while randomly inviting anyone to come and be annoying with them makes them more of a nuisance than anything else. 

Since I've last written a lot of things have gone on in my person life to make me realize more and more that MOTION equals action.. standing on the streets with signs looking like a bum taking up space isn't going to do shit. Get your ass moving and take in some news that DOESN'T have to do with the Occupy movement. It is my honest opinion that the Occupy movement has become nothing more than a social networking ring that doesn't go past the area in which is occupied. It's a sorry slide show of how America works. Most of the people from the start didn't even know WHERE the Occupy movement STARTED. Sadly, this is how America's peoples work most of the time. Blindly following the crowd, once again, under a different nickname and still UNEDUCATED.

For shame, Occupy, you could have been something great.

Sometimes we need to remember that all we need is some good ole fashioned violence. After all, we are all going for equality aren't we?


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